On October 20 and 21, The Family Circle will take place in Hamburg for the first time! I am happy to announce that I am giving away two tickets, each worth 20,- Euros, for the pop-up event!

Literally underneath a giant circus tent in “Hamburger Kuppel”, the pop-up event The Family Circus is a platform for young parents and parents-to-be to seek inspiration and get informed about all things family. There will be workshops and talks, for instance about hypnobirthing and yoga and meditation for parents, plus, the visitors can buy hand-picked products by 100 brands from all over the world.

Personally, I will also be there – hoping that I will be able to start my own baby shopping and to find answers to all the questions I currently have, such as: What do we actually need, and what is just nice to have and can possibly be second-hand? Where is it important to go for good quality, and what do I not have to worry about at all? Also, as I’m an advocate of all things natural, and therefore also natural birth, I will definitely listen to the talk about hypnobirthing!

Together with The Family Circle I am giving away two tickets worth 20,- Euros each. To win the tickets, please email me at hello@lealou.me until the 13th October 2018 at midnight, with the subject „The Family Circle“. Please also include your name and address in the email. I will pick and inform the winners on Monday, October 14, 2018.

Good luck, and I hope to see you at The Family Circle!

Lea Lou

The Family Circle ©Sarah Burth (13)

All images by Sarah Burth

Teilnahmebedingungen für die Verlosung:

Teilnahmeschluss ist der 13.10.2018 um 24 Uhr. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen, außer Mitarbeiter der beteiligten Firmen und deren Angehörige. Teilnahmeberechtigt ist jeder ab 18 Jahren mit Ausnahme der o.g. Personen. Die Auswahl der Teilnehmer liegt im freien Ermessen von Lea Lou und The Family Circle. Der/die Gewinner/in wird per E-Mail informiert und erhält vom Aktionspartner per Email das Ticket. Eine Barauszahlung des Gewinn- bzw. Produktwertes ist nicht möglich. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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