The new(ish)ly opened hotel Lindley Lindenberg in Frankfurt Ostend, opened in June 2019, is part of the Lindenberg group, with its bigger sister Libertine Lindenberg in Frankfurt’s Sachsenhausen. Although being open for a few months now, I visited the hotel yesterday for the first time!

My friend Claudia Simchen and I took advantage of the beautiful and very unique (especially for Frankfurt) interior to take pictures. I will show you the ones she took of me in a different blog post, so far I have not even seen myself. However, I also had my camera with me, and took a few images of the six-story building. 


Well, I photographed one storey, to be precise, the ground floor. Here you can find a café as well as vegetarian restaurant „Leuchtendroter“. Other parts of the hotel are a roof terrace, a herb garden, a communal kitchen, a living room which invites all hotel guests to sit down, read and listen to music, a gym („Turnraum“) and meeting rooms. I find this article in AD magazine very helpful to get an impression of Lindley Lindenberg.


I hope the few images, which I took, make you curious about the hotel; without having stayed overnight, I already feel very cosy inside the building and would definitely love to come back here as an overnight guest, particularly as the Lindley staff is very welcoming and friendly!


Who has already been there, and possibly even stayed overnight?

Enjoy the pictures!

Lea Lou


Lindley Lindenberg
Lindleystraße 17
60314 Frankfurt


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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