
As always with my recipes, these cookies are not just a sweet treat. They are good for you, too, I would even consider them to be a little snack rather than a sweet. I love to take them to uni or work since they are my kind of the perfect afternoon treat.

With oats adding protein to the cookies, also the flour (wholemeal spelt flour and coconut flour) is healthier than wheat flour which you normally find in supermarket cookies. Raisins are high in fibre as well as iron and function as a natural sweetener here, just like brown sugar and maple syrup (or agave syrup) do.


I found the original recipe in Anna Jones’ amazing first cookbook “A modern way to eat” and amended it a bit so the cookies contain even less sugar. I love how the desiccated coconut reminds me of macaroons and the oats and raisins remind me of flapjacks. Here, all the good things are combined in tiny little cookie balls – they are amazing!

Enjoy your weekend!

Lea Lou


Flapjack Anzac biscuits with chocolate topping (recipe slightly amended from Anna Jones’ “A modern way to eat“)

For approx. 20 cookies
80 g wholemeal spelt flour
50 g coconut flour (or another 50 g wholemeal spelt flour)
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
50 g oats
50 g desiccated coconut
100 g raisins
100 g brown sugar
40 g butter
80 g coconut oil (or another 80 g butter)
3 table spoons maple syrup (or agave syrup)
30 g dark chocolate, roughly chopped, plus a tea spoon of coconut oil (or butter)

In a bowl mix together all dry ingredients: spelt and coconut flour, bicarbonate of soda, oats, desiccated coconut, raisins and sugar.

Melt the coconut oil and/or butter in a small pot, allow to cool for a couple of minutes, and add the mixture to the dry ingredients. Using a spoon or your hands, mix all ingredients together until the dough is crumbly.

Line two baking trays with baking sheets and preheat the oven at 180° C (fan). With the help of a spoon, form about 20 little cookie balls and place them on your trays (remember they will become slightly larger when baking, so allow a bit of space between the single cookies).

Bake your cookies for about 10 – 12 minutes until they are light golden brown. Allow to cool.

Melt the chocolate and coconut oil (or butter) over a hot water bath and sprinkle it over the cookies with the help of a tea spoon.




Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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