
Only until recently I kind of saw it as a bad habit to having chocolate bars as desserts or a slice of cake as a weekend treat on a regular basis. However, having read about the advantages of raw cacao powder as well as about the fact that one can easily substitute refined sugar by natural sweeteners, I thought that if I started to make my own chocolate bars, cookies as well as cakes (I must admit I’ve been making cakes for a very long time now, just not the quite healthy ones), I would be happier to eat them, surely knowing they are only packed with the good stuff.


Hence, I made a batch of wholemeal spelt cookies with oats, raisins and chocolate the other day and was surprised about how little sugar they needed, yet still tasted great. I used light brown soft muscovado sugar but you could also use dark brown soft muscovado sugar as well as simply plain white sugar if you prefer. But do keep in mind that natural sweeteners such as brown sugar, maple or agave syrup are better for you rather than refined sugar is.


Apart from spelt flour I added lots of crunchy oats to the cookies as well as some juicy raisins, flavourful peanut butter and a heap of chocolate chunks – the result was truly indulgent! I had a homemade iced mocha with my cookies and am happy to share the recipe with you too, if you wish to go for the same combo.

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Lea Lou


Wholemeal spelt cookies with oats, raisins and chocolate chunks

Makes approx. 12 cookies
70 g wholemeal spelt flour (or any other flour you prefer)
50 g oats
1/4 tea spoon bicarbonate of soda
50 g dark chocolate
30 g raisins
70 g soft butter (or coconut oil)
40 g peanut butter
75 g light brown soft muscovado sugar
1 egg (size M)

Preheat the oven to 200°C (fan 180°C).

Mix the flour, oats and bicarbonate of soda. Roughly chop the chocolate, add the chocolate and raisins to the flour mixture.

In a separate bowl whisk together the butter, peanut butter, sugar and egg. Add the dry ingredients and roughly stir until they are just combined which works best with a wooden spoon.

Line a baking tray with a baking sheet. Form approximately twelve little dough balls with the help of two teaspoons, place them on the baking sheet and press them a little bit flat, allowing some space between them because the cookies will rise.

Bake the cookies for about ten minutes, enjoy them warm from the tray or store them in air-tight boxes for up to a week.


Iced mocha

For two glasses
250 ml cold coffee
250 ml cold milk (I used almond, but any would work)
2 heaped teaspoons cocoa powder, preferably raw
2 teaspoons agave syrup
Ice cubes

Prepare the coffee in advance and leave to cool in the fridge for an hour at least.

Mix the milk with the cocoa powder and agave syrup and stir well until the ingredients are well incorporated. Stir in the cold coffee.

Add a couple of ice cubes to two glasses, pour over the cold mocha and enjoy! <3


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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