From all the cooking shows we already filmed, this one must be my favourite! I took two friends with me this time, treating them to a girly weekend brunch including homemade waffles and a Bellini cocktail. 

It’s funny to watch myself in the videos. The first one we filmed was this one; knowing myself, I can tell that I was quite nervous while filming – while I am totally relaxed in today’s episode, having my friends with me who I can chat with.

The recipe is a delicious and simple waffle recipe, which we enjoy with poached and caramelised apples, along with a boozy Bellini cocktail. Girls time deluxe! Find the recipe and the show here as well as on my Youtube channel. 

I hope you enjoy the cooking show, let me know how you like it!

Lea Lou

Loving-Breakfast-Foodboom Loving-Breakfast-Foodboom-1


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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