Monday morning, the “the-weekend-is-over” blues is heavy, your thirst for a good coffee huge… Why not head to EspressoEspresso on Braubachstraße, where you can provide a remedy for either – with a delicious espresso and fluffy croissant in a café bar atmosphere, which you may only be familiar with from trips to Italy or France. EspressoEspresso has not even opened “officially” yet, but I believe it’s already worth a visit.

EspresEspressoEspresso-Frankfurt-KaffeeOr should I say: A visit is particularly worth at the moment, with the temperatures being mild still. Because, until the long bar for the café will be built and all tiles are laid, EspressoEspresso serves coffee through an open window. The menu currently consists of espresso, cappuccino, flat white and latte, but also filter coffee is planned for the “final” menu after the official opening. Both, filter and espresso, are from the local coffee roaster Hoppenworth & Ploch (with whom, as you may know, I work frequently, taking the photos for their social media). 


Only a few more weeks until EspressoEspresso will open “properly”, serving coffee during the day and drinks and beer at night, as well as panini-style simple, small meals. I already love the beautiful bar right in the heart of the city, and can’t wait to see the finished place!

Lea Lou

EspressoEspresso-Frankfurt-Team EspressoEspresEspressoEspresso Frankfurt 2



Photos taken by order of Hoppenworth & Ploch.


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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