I can’t be entirely sure but given that it’s the 6th of a new month, the latest issue of Mio magazine including my food column has probably been delivered to my mailbox back home at the end of last week. This month I have contributed a traditionally British recipe (with a healthy twist): fish cakes with parsnip mash.


You can find the recipe also on my blog on the website of Mio magazine.

I’m currently about to go to my afternoon yoga philosophy class, excuse me for not writing down anything more at this time. I am, however, quite good with filming and photographing my India experiences and can’t wait to show you more on Youtube as soon as I am back.

Namaste, lovelies!

Lea Lou

Fish cakes with parsnip mash

For two servings.

For the fish cakes.
225 g floury potatoes
300 g pollack filet (coal fish) (or a different kind of white fish)
2 small spring onions
4–5 sprigs dill
4–5 sprigs flat-leaf parsley, chopped
1 egg, size S
1 egg yolk, size S
2 tbsp milk
1,5 tsp dijon mustard
1,5 tsp lemon zest
3 tbsp lemon juice
Sea salt and black pepper, freshly ground
Flour, for the working surface
Vegetable oil, for frying

For the parsnip mash:
500 g parsnips
1 garlic clove
1/2 yellow onion
1 tbsp butter
250 ml vegetable stock
50 ml cream (or full-fat milk)
1 pinch nutmeg, freshly ground
Sea salt and black pepper, freshly ground

Wash, peel and quarter the potatoes and place them in a saucepan. Cover the potatoes with lightly salted water. Bring the water to a boil and simmer the potatoes for approx. 15 minutes until cooked. Drain the water, allow the potatoes to cool.

Wash the pollack, dry it with a piece of kitchen paper and cook it in a pan filled with a little water or stock until done.

Wash and finely chop the spring onions.

Wash, dry and finely chop the dill and parsnip.

Mash the potatoes and fish.

Add the potatoes, fish, spring onion, herbs as well as the egg, egg yolk, milk, mustard, lemon zest and lemon juice to a bowl, mix it until a sticky mixture resembles, season with salt and pepper to taste.

Spread your working surface with some flour. Form approx. 6 fish cakes from the mixture with floury hands, transfer the fish cakes to a plate and set them aside in the fridge until the parsnip mash is ready.

For the parsnip mash peel the parsnips and cut them in slices.

Peel and chop the garlic and onion.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add garlic, onion and parsnips, sauté for two minutes, stirring, then add 200 ml vegetable stock (add the remaining stock if necessary while mashing the parsnips). Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the parsnips for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Blend the vegetables with a hand blender or transfer them to a mixer. Stir in the cream, and whisk the mashed vegetables with an eggbeater until creamy. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste.

Heat some oil in a large pan, fry the fish cakes from both sides until crispy and cooked. Place them on some kitchen paper for a few seconds, then arrange the cakes with the parsnip mash on two plates. Serve with a green or mixed salad, if desired.



Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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