Yet another place on Frankfurt’s Fahrgasse that is worth every visit: Dining Raum, a new café serving Aussie style breakfast and locally roasted coffee. 

Back in September 2021, Dining Raum opened its doors for the first time, a bright and inviting café with sunny tables outside on the pedestrian path. Dining Raum’s concept is Aussie style breakfast and brunch, for instance one is able to taste amazing banana bread, served toasted and with salted butter, just like in Australia! Furthermore, the brunch menu consists of all kinds of eggs and avocado on toast as well as homemade granola. The brunch menu is versatile and pretty inventive for the city of Frankfurt!

Also lunch is available at Dining Raum. The coffee is served by Frankfurt-based roaster Hoppenworth und Ploch.

Dining Raum
Fahrgasse 15
60311 Frankfurt

Opening times: Tuesday to Sunday, 9am to 6pm (kitchen opens at 10am)

Café Dining Raum Frankfurt
Café Dining Raum Frankfurt
Café Dining Raum Frankfurt
Café Dining Raum Frankfurt
Café Dining Raum Frankfurt
Café Dining Raum Frankfurt

Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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