
I barely have words for the gratefulness I currently feel, thanks to 23°C and a sunny cloud-free blue sky. I love this time of the year when everything and everyone seems to reawaken, rise, grow and glow again. Even just sitting in the sun feels like the greatest gift to me right now!


As if I had predicted the weather just right, I made a summery gluten-free raw vegan strawberry lime tart for this month’ food column in Mio Magazin. Although it’s free of refined sugar (note: I used some maple syrup, and dates and strawberries add fruit sugar to it), it tastes deliciously sweet. You can either freeze the tart and enjoy it similar to ice cream, or you chill it and indulge in a creamy and smooth coconut strawberry filling spread on a crunchy crust – spoon after spoon.


Enjoy, and have a lovely warm and sunny April!

Lea Lou


Gluten-free raw vegan strawberry lime tart

For one tart (18 cm).

For the crust:
130 g medjool dates
100 g whole almonds
50 g pistachios
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 pinch sea salt

For the filling:
150 g strawberries
120 g cashews (soaked overnight)
100 ml coconut milk
50 g desiccated coconut
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 lime, organic or unwaxed, tested
150 g strawberries
1 tbsp maple syrup

To garnish (optional):
Lime zest
Desiccated coconut
Chopped pistachios

Line a 18-cm cake tin with parchment paper.

For the crust, remove the pits from the dates. Place dates, almonds, pistachios, coconut oil and salt in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until the ingredients remain a coarse mixture. Press the crust into the prepared tin and transfer the tin into the freezer while preparing the filling.

Wash the strawberries and remove any leaves. Transfer strawberries, cashews, coconut milk, desiccated coconut, coconut oil, maple syrup and lime zest into the food processor and mix until all ingredients are well incorporated and remain a creamy, smooth mixture.

Wash the remaining strawberries, remove any leaves and blend the berries with the maple syrup in a blender until smooth.

Spread the coconut filling onto the crust, top it with the strawberry purée and carefully mix both fillings with a fork, making spiral movements to aim for a marble look.

Place the tart back into the freezer for 3 hours at last (or overnight). Allow to defrost for 10 minutes, then garnish with strawberries, lime zest, desiccated coconut and chopped pistachios, if desired. Set the tart aside at room temperature for 10–15 minutes before serving, or allow to defrost in the fridge for 1 hour, then serve.



Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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