
Whether I have seen the picture on my Facebook or Instagram feed, I don’t even remember, but since it was taken in Berlin anyway, I didn’t care about it after my heart skipped a beat anymore. Otherwise, I probably would have rushed to the scene of crime straight away, trying to find out WHEN EXACTLY the first German strawberries will be sold.


Since I was little, German strawberries are special to me. Having grown up in the countryside, my family used to drive to the strawberry fields year after year to pick the local strawberries. Whilst we stuffed the bowls we brought with us, as well as our pockets and mouths with the sweet fruit, my mum cooked hundreds of glasses with strawberry jam and made tons of strawberry cakes back home, without anyone in the family ever being fed up of strawberries.


That’s why today, living in the city, I am so excited to see the strawberry stands, which are even shaped and painted like strawberries: because they remind me of afternoons under the hot summer sun, strawberry leftovers all over our faces, full bellies and dirty feed.


You may guess now how much I am looking forward to the next few weeks. Until then, I used my first box of strawberries (Spanish ones, but at least they were organic) to cover a few with some leftover chocolate coating and to make a stack of fluffy strawberry pancakes with the rest. I even whipped cream to enjoy my strawberry feast – because sometimes more simply is more!


Have a berry-sweet Sunday, y’all!

Lea Lou


Strawberry oatmeal pancakes with chocolate-covered strawberries

For two servings:

2 eggs
100 ml milk
50 g wholemeal spelt flour
30 g all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
20 g rolled oats
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon brown sugar
Butter for baking the pancakes
1 box of strawberries (you could substitute thrones for the pancakes with blueberries, banana or apple slices)
50 g dark chocolate coating
1 tablespoon chopped pistachios
To serve: whipped cream, maple syrup

Whisk the eggs, stir in milk.
In a medium-sized bowl mix flour with baking powder and rolled oats. Stir in egg milk mixture, add vanilla and sugar and stir until all ingredients are well incorporated.

Wash the strawberries, cut a handful of them in thin slices. Set aside the rest for now (you will use them later for the chocolate-covered strawberries).

Heat a small pan, melt a piece of butter in it and add a scoop of pancake batter. Garnish the pancake with a couple of strawberry slices, bake it for a couple of minutes, flip pancake and bake it from the other side. Proceed with the rest of the batter until it is used up.
Keep the pancakes warm in the oven at 60°C.

For the chocolate-covered strawberries:
Melt the chocolate coating over a hot water bath, stirring occasionally. Dip in the strawberries (either the entire fruit or cut them in halves), sprinkle with chopped pistachios and allow the chocolate to dry before serving them.

Arrange the pancakes in a pile, garnish with whipped cream and chocolate-covered strawberries, and serve with maple syrup. 



Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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