I have been working on a new Youtube video over the past few days, which went online this morning as a quite informative 15-minute long vlog, summarizing the first trimester of my pregnancy.

Schwangerschaft-Erstes-TrimesterI wanted to share with you how I felt during the first trimester – as a “newly pregnant woman” and, particularly, a first-time pregnant. For all other pregnant ladies and those, who are aiming to become pregnant soon, I wanted to give the information which I would have needed, and wanted to give an insight into my feelings, without being too personal – which was a little difficult as, after all, it is quite a private topic (and also because, as I mentioned in the video, I am very emotional at the moment).


Finally, this 15-minute video, which I think turned out quite informative, came out, answering the following questions:

  1. When and how did I find out I am pregnant?
  2. How did I feel during the 1st trimester?
  3. What should you think of organizing and doing right at the beginning of a pregnancy?
  4. What and how did I eat, and how did I exercise?

The video – which is in German, I am afraid – ends with a little round-up of my feelings and thoughts, which, that is being said, are not all positive and happy about being pregnant.

Whether you are pregnant yourself or just curios: I hope you enjoy the new video!

Lea Lou


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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