What a great summer it is! Regardless of where I have been traveling to recently (think Hamburg, Berlin and back to Frankfurt), the sun is shining non-stop, temperatures are making us spend even late nights outside, and cold drinks and food enjoyed outside seem to be the only appropriate way to eat and drink. I am therefore sharing three recipes for homemade tapas with you today: patatas bravas with mojo verde and pimientos de padrón.


It only is Monday today, I admit that, but don’t you agree with me that during summer, every sunny day is an occasion for a little “fiesta” in the garden / on your balcony? The tapas recipes below are prepared in next to no time: While the potatoes roast in the oven, you quickly mix together the ingredients for the mojo verde; and if you are in the mood for small juicy pimientos de padrón to go with your patatas and salsa, you simply have to fry the small green peppers with some oil and salt – and you are done with a tapas spread pretty similar to the one at your favourite Spanish restaurant (or in Spain itself).


I have created the recipes for the July issue of Mio magazine by Globus, you can also find them (together with my food column) on the Mio website.

I am sending you lots of sunny wishes, enjoy your tapas and the sunshine!

Lea Lou


Homemade tapas with patatas bravas & mojo verde and pimientos de padrón

For four tapas-sized servings.


For the patatas bravas with mojo verde:

For the potatoes.
500 g potatoes
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp smoked paprika, ground
1 tsp flaky sea salt

For the mojo verde.
1 garlic clove
1 green bell pepper
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch coriander
100 ml olive oil
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
Juice of 1/2 lime
Sea salt and black pepper, freshly ground

Wash or peel potatoes, cut in bite-sized cubes. Place potatoes in a bowl, cover with water and set aside for an hour.

Preheat oven to 200° (upper and lower heat). Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Drain the potatoes and pat dry with a sheet of kitchen towel.

Mix cornstarch with 3 tbsp water. Quickly dip the potato cubes in the starch mixture, making sure they are entirely covered with starch.

Spread the potatoes on the baking tray, mix with olive oil and ground paprika. Bake potatoes for 25 minutes, stirring and turning them a few times, until they are cooked and crunchy. Take the potatoes out of the oven, season with salt to taste.

In the meantime, prepare the mojo verde. Peel garlic clove.

Wash, deseed and roughly chop the bell pepper.

Wash and spin-dry parsley and coriander, remove the stalks (optionally).

Add garlic, pepper, herbs, olive oil, white wine vinegar and lime juice to a mixer and blend until a creamy sauce remains. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


For the pimientos de padrón:

200 g pimientos de padrón (check in an Italian or Turkish supermarket, or visit a farmer’s market)
2 tbsp olive oil
Flaky sea salt

Wash and dry the pimientos de padrón. Heat oil in a large pan. Add the pimientos to the hot pan and fry until crispy and lightly brown, stirring and turning a few times. Season the pimientos with salt to taste.

Besides (optionally):
Pitta bread or baguette
Manchego cheese
Green and black olives, marinated in herbs
Sundried tomatoes in oil
Marinated prawns with herbs

Arrange patatas bravas with mojo verde, pimientos de padrón and any additional tapas on a table, enjoy immediately.      


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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